Selected Press2019CTV News Vancouver. “Diversity in Vancouver's Electronic Music Scene”.2019National Post. “CURRENT showcases feminist electronic arts and artists” by Stuart Derdeyn.2019Radio Canadá Internacional. “Artistas digitales feministas, mujeres y personas no binarias, convergen esta semana en Vancouver” por Paloma Martínez.2019SAD Magazine. “The World We Want To Exist In: Creating Culture With the Current Feminist Electronic Arts Symposium” by Jacqueline Salomé.2018Discorder Magazine. “CURRENT 2.0” by Fatemeh Ghayedi. July 2018 Edition.2018Exclaim. “The CURRENT Symposium Dreams of a New Future for Electronic Art in Vancouver and Beyond” by Josiah Hughes.2018Red Bull. “Dream up a new future for Vancouver’s art scene with CURRENT” by Jamila Pomeroy.2017The Georgia Straight. “Women Power Up The Current With Electonic Arts Festival” by Kate Wilson. July 2017 Edition. Print and online.2017Discorder Magazine. “CURRENT” by Clara Dubber. July 2017 Edition.2016Resident Advisor. “Vancouver, Rhythms of the Canadian Riviera” by Andrew Ryce.2016The Fader. “4 Canadian DYI Media Collectives You Should Know” by Anupa Mistry.2015Noisey. “Genero Sound is Adding a Feminine Thread to The Electronic Music Tapestry” by Maya-Roisin Slater.2015Scout Magazine. “Weaving Musical Threads With Soledad Munoz of Local Label Genero” by Grady Mitchell.2015Megaphone Magazine. “Challenging the Binary: Soledad Munoz helms a new record label for women” by Aurora Tejeida. Print.2015Beatroute. “Genero a Space for Female Artist and Musicians to Callaborate in the Sound Realm” by Hannah Tollefson.2015Discorder Magazine. “Homegrown Labels: Genero” by Kristian Voveris. May 2015 Edition. Print.2015Vancouver Weekly. “Soledad Munoz: An Artist in Between” by Daniel Robichaud.2014The Mainlander. “Genero Sound: Yes/No Conversations Keep Us From Failed Utopias” by Steffanie Ling.